Tuesday, September 4, 2012


This morning I dropped my daughter off at her first day of Preschool! Such a big milestone in her little life and I am thrilled to experience it with her! I can't wait to see all her art projects, hear her talk about her new friends, and maybe even volunteer in her classroom every so often:) I knew she was a little nervous about her first day so I decided to write down the questions she asked on the car ride. I wanted to remember what was going on in her little head the few minutes before her big moment and this is what I got... 

"Mom, what is Peter Pan's phone number?"
"Mom, what happens if a kid at Preschool coughs on a toy?"
"Mom, do I talk like a hippo?"
"Mom, can you drive faster?"
"Mom, can I have a pig?"

So apparently her mind was not consumed by the upcoming events of her first day but I loved that when we drove into the parking lot and I told her we were at her Preschool she exclaimed, "I don't even believe it!" Love her little mind and can't wait to hear how her first day went!

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